“That makes sense!” is what I often hear echoed when I share how our anatomy maps into our pain.  I am on a mission to help people feel better in their bodies. Sure, by the time we are 50 years old and older, there are some aches and pains we have to deal with… but many of those can be remedied with a wee bit of understanding of what WE are doing to aggravate the pain.
Yes, we need to take responsibility for the things we can change, and accept the things we cannot. And that includes what we can change in our daily habits to bring us more physical comfort and ease.
I had the privilege of presenting a 5-week Yoga Educational Series to a group of Tech Deskworkers at a local business park.  I have to admit that most of the students were men who are feeling those aches and pains after working long hours at a desk.  But in reality, their aches and pains are common to us all because of one main thing we all share in common…. sitting alot!
One of the most common complaints was tight hamstrings and low back pain. Here is a segment from one of the lectures where I dive into the anatomy of various postures that we sit in.  See if this one speaks to you!  “Sit up nice and tall” really does work! Now you will know why!
Why you might have Tight Hamstrings with Sherry Zak Morris, E-RYT
Why you might have Tight Hamstrings with Sherry Zak Morris, E-RYT
Stay Mindful!

Get Certified to Teach Corporate Yoga!

Yoga Teachers Wanted!

Education, Exercise and Empowerment!

A comprehensive “Yoga for the Tech Worker” 5-Lecture Series and lots of Deskworker Chair and Mat Yoga classes are included in our Online Corporate Yoga Certification Program that will educate you how to deliver effective Yoga classes to those who spend lots of time behind their desks!